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Beta blog hacks

Being the ever-curious fellow that I am, along with the fact that I can never be happy with ‘how things are’, I like to push the boundaries a little, and modify things according to my preferences. Most people have a blog that’s based simply on the template that is provided for them. And then there’s a few who like to modify their blog to do what they want it to do.

Accordingly, I’ve been scouring sites for various hacks that I can use, on my old blog – as some of you probably know – and on this blog. As I find hacks and implement them, I’ll mention them so that you can try them too – if you want to.

The hacks mentioned in this website are for beta bloggers only.

Using the Labels as ‘Tag clouds’

One of the things I’ve always liked has been tag clouds. They’re a way of categorising your content so that the more content you have of a particular type, the ‘bolder’ it becomes. And then you can throw different colours and sizes in as well, so that the categories that have the most content stand out more.

At the time of writing this, Alan, Dictatorship and Growth stand out the most. That’ll change as time goes by.

If you have a beta blogger as well, you might like to incorporate this hack. Instructions are here:


Recent Comments

Beta blogger allows you to add RSS feeds into widgets on your blog. The comments on your blog are now published as an RSS feed too, so you can add that RSS feed to a widget and then display the recent comments on your blog.

You can find your own comments feed here:


(change ‘yourblogsname’ to your own…)

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