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How You Feel About It Isn’t Going To Change It

Something goes wrong in your life, and you get angry, sad or frustrated. These are emotions based on what? An inability to do anything about it. The funny thing is, how you feel about something isn't going to change what that something was. It's not going to change what the results were.

How you feel about it isn't going to change it. Whatever it is.

So if how you feel isn't going to change it, then really – does it matter what you feel? No, it doesn't matter. All that matters is what you do, and while this is often inspired by your feelings, if what you feel won't change it, then don't worry about it. Whatever it is.

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
– The Serenity Prayer

How you feel about it isn't going to change it.

So instead of having those feelings inspired by helplessness, instead realise that nothing you do can change it. (If you CAN change it, then you wouldn't be having these feelings, would you?) When you realise that nothing you do can change it, then there's no point in continuing to feel something that does you no good. It serves no purpose to feel these emotions of sadness, anger or frustration.

What you need to do instead is focus your attention and your efforts on those things you CAN change. Look at what you CAN do in your life, and accept what you can't. Create a plan for yourself to achieve change in your life and get out there and DO IT.

How you feel about something isn't going to change it. But how you do something might.

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