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I’m going to see Bruce Springsteen

bruce_springsteenFanfan asked me this afternoon if I wanted to see Bruce Springsteen this March 22nd, in Sydney. I was originally against the idea, thinking I’ve seen him once, I don’t need to see him again. Which is why I hadn’t booked the tickets as soon as they came out.

However, while I was looking at the concert information she sent me a link to, I got such an incredible rush that almost brought tears to my eyes, that I realised it’s something I needed to do. Again. So I’ve just bought us two tickets to Bruce Springsteen for March 22nd.

The first concert I saw of his – and the only concert so far – was in Auckland 2003.

Whoah….  I just looked back on my old blog and found that I saw him on March 28, 2003. Almost exactly 10 years later I’m seeing him again. That’s somewhat spooky.

Anyway, back to where I was going with this. Back in 1984, I enjoyed his Born in the USA songs. Then in 1985 I listened to a ‘concert’ that the local radio station had one night, where they played a full 4 hours of his older music going back to 1972. I was not only shocked that I’d never heard of him before Born in the USA, but further shocked that I absolutely loved pretty much all of his music that I heard.

What followed was a new passion. I loved his music so much I went out and bought every album, and have bought every album since. I vowed to myself back in 1985 that I would see Bruce Springsteen in concert. It was a promise I made to myself.

It took 18 years, but I saw him in 2003, and it was honestly an amazing, awesome, incredible experience of a lifetime for me. And now again. The rush I got to my head a short while ago when I was considering not going tells me it’s going to be another amazing, awesome, and incredible experience of a lifetime for me.

Also the fact that I can share this with Fanfan.

I seem to have a lot of emotion about this right now. Odd.

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