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It’s a new baby!

No, not for me…. So sorry to disapoint you! No, this one’s about one of my close friends who sent me photos today of their brand new baby, born today. Or yesterday. I’m not quite sure when, but I’m sure he’ll tell me about it once they’ve read this (they’re a regular reader here). It’s their 4th baby. Fourth. Amazing! I think he’s trying for his own football team, but he says there won’t be any more. I don’t believe him.

I sent him a congratulations message, and I’m really happy for him and his wife, but I wanted to talk about it in tonight’s blog post.

new baby


My wife and I are still trying to have a baby. It’s a process, and it’ll keep going until we succeed. You know my philosophy – the only way you can fail is if you quit. We’re not going to quit.

When we have a baby, it’ll change our reality. Everything will shift and change. We’ll learn new things, and experience new things. We’ll panic more, and we’ll have many sleepless nights. People always say it’s worth it. I’m sure they’re right, but they usually say it when the kids have grown up and left home, followed by ‘Thank God, now I can relax again….’

My friend has always said he’s looking forward to relaxing, but then he gets a new baby, so I’m not convinced he wants to relax. I think he quite enjoys the sleepless nights, and the stress and worry that comes with being a parent of an ever increasing number of children.

One will be enough for me. My wife wants two. I’m sure I’ll be ok with that.

I’ve been there before, in the past, being a ‘father’ to small children. Not babies, but toddlers and older. Not my own, but I was their parent for the time I was with their mother/s. I never went through the first couple years of sleepless nights, but I went through the terrible twos. For a while. It wasn’t that hard.

Is it harder if it’s your own? Maybe. I’ll find out one day.

In the meantime, my congratulations to my friend. May your fourth child bring you more of the joy and happiness you’ve had with the others, and may there be so much less worry and stress with this one. You’re an expert now!

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