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My upcoming 40th birthday party

I turn 40 on the 29th November. The 2nd of December, however, is when I’m having the birthday party.

I just finished doing the invitation and inviting people, all via a website that allows me to do online invitations and keep track of who is coming and who’s not. So far I have 4 people turning up, with 15 invited. Deidre, of course, as well as my friend Ken, and also my friend Mel.

Some of you may remember Mel from March 2004, when her and I went on an around-the-north-island road trip for 11 days. That was a whole lotta fun, a memorable holiday.

A few months ago I asked my closest friends in Australia if they wanted to come to my 40th birthday party. Most of them couldn’t find it within themselves to make the effort, and some didn’t even reply. Some of them had very valid reasons why they thought they couldn’t make it. However, I found it highly disappointing, because I’ve been able to go over to Australia quite a few times, but none of them have been able to come and see me over here. And it’s only 3-4 hours away!

Only Mel has come to see me twice now, and she’s coming to see me for my 40th birthday party. Out of all my friends, she’s proven herself to be the only one willing to make the effort to travel internationally to visit me.

I know I have a lot of good friends. A LOT. I know I can count on them to be there for me when I need them – as long as I can make my way to them. While disappointing, it’s still good enough.

My 40th year of existence is almost to a close. In just over a month I’m 40, and into my 41st year. Instead of being in my 30’s and heading to 40, I’ll be in my 40’s and heading to 50. This is a really scary prospect. I mean, I don’t feel as old as my years say I am. I still play computer games!

But then, I guess I’m of the generation that’s grown up with computer games… More and more ‘older’ people these days are into it. One of the members of my corporation (who’s now moved on to another one) in Eve Online is 66. Retired, not much else to do, so he plays a computer game for 4-6 hours a day.

I’m sure when I’m into my 50’s and into my retirement age, I’ll still be playing computer games.

Growing old physically doesn’t mean you need to grow old mentally. And I certainly won’t be getting old in my mind for a very, very long time.

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