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New habits

It’s 1:23am, and I’m sitting here at work with Eve (the name I’ve chosen for my new kitten) sitting on the desk in front of me, next to the mouse. She’s watching me typing at the moment. She’s just gotten off my chest where she was sleeping for a while. Oops, now she’s climbed back into my lap…

I brought her into work tonight (working from 8pm to 8am) to help the bonding process, and to help ensure she’s not alone in my bedroom for so long while I’m out. She’s already become attached to me, and vice versa. It’s great having something so small to look after, that is dependent on my care.

I’m ready to learn new things about caring and responsibility, and Eve has come into my life to teach me and reward me for what I learn.

She plays a lot – as you’d expect a kitten to do – but when I go to bed, I have her in the bedroom with me, and she settles down quite quickly and falls asleep with me. She’s also quite independent, and enjoys being with herself. I don’t bother her unless she comes to me, which is quite nice. She climbs up onto my chest, or neck, and sits there for a while. I don’t pet her too much, as I’ve already worked out that there’s only so much petting a pet can handle before it runs off again. So I just let her sit, and she seems to enjoy that. She purrs a lot when she’s near me, and I don’t even have to do anything.

It’s great. I’ve had her almost 2 days now, and enjoying the experience thoroughly. I’m looking forward to the future, and what she brings me.

Penny is telling everyone about how she’s never seen a grown man reduced to a soppy shadow of his former self.

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