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The evolution of socialising

How often do you see people out and about with their friends or family, but seemingly ignoring them while they’re constantly checking their smartphones? These days, quite a lot. You probably think they’re being really unsociable, but maybe you’re not seeing the big picture.


The social world has changed. It’s not just those you’re physically present with any more.

Today’s technology is allowing people to connect with family, friends and loved ones all around the world. While we’re socialising face to face with people around the table, we’re also socialising with others that aren’t physically present, via our smartphones, tablets and laptops.

Today, socialising includes people all around the world.

We share updates on Facebook and Twitter about what we’re doing and who we’re doing it with, because we want to share our activities and life events with those nearby and around the world who are special to us – or even with complete strangers who are interested in what we’re doing with our lives.

It used to be that we could only socialise with those in our suburb or city. Now we can socialise with everyone.

I quite enjoy it. I like knowing that there are people around the world who are getting something of value in their lives from what I’m doing and sharing with them.

Whether it’s personal updates about something that caught my attention in the moment, or photos of something I’m seeing and experiencing – these people who are following me or are connected to me in some way are expanding their lives by being able to see something of my own life.

Technology is bringing more people together, making the world smaller, allowing people with similar interests and passions to connect with each other without needing to be in the same city.

When you see people in cafes, restaurants, or on the train who are engrossed in their phone, tablet or laptop, just remember that it’s not always about staying isolated and being unsociable.

They could be – and usually are – connecting with people around the world, thanks to the wonders of technology.

Socialising has changed, and technology has allowed it to change quite drastically. But I think it’s a great thing, rather than a bad thing.

Instead of remaining isolated in our own small groups of physical friends and families, we’re broadening our emotional and spiritual selves by connecting with people in other countries and other cultures. We’re sharing our lives with them, and having them share their lives with us.

I’ve enjoyed connecting with some of my regular readers on Facebook. Our interactions through commenting and even emails has brought us closer together, so that we’ve become Facebook friends. As a result, I get to see some of what’s going on in their lives, and the experiences that they’re having in their lives.

These aren’t just commenters at the bottom of my blog posts any more; they’re real people with real lives, and they’re connecting with me because they’re interested in seeing more of my life beyond this blog.

It honours me that they want to do this, and I’m privilieged to get a glimpse into the lives that they want to share with me.

We can’t have too many friends in our lives. And if this technology can bring more people together, to share lives and interests, it can only help people feel more connected.

And having these connections can change our lives, give us meaning, reward us with personal growth, and allow us to change people’s lives.

Strangers are friends not yet met.

If you’re reading this, and we haven’t already connected, I’d like to hear from you. Leave me a comment, or send me an email and say hi, introduce yourself, tell me what you like about this blog, and what you’d like to see more of.

Technology is wonderful. Look at the big picture, appreciate what others are getting from it, and maybe even get more involved in it yourself – you might just change your life in ways you couldn’t possibly imagine.

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