I’m curious about what your personality type is, in accordance with the Myer-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality profiles. I’m wondering what personality types are visiting this blog and reading what I write. Who are you? That’s what I’m curious about.
If you’re curious too, then fill out this quiz so that you can see what your type is, and let me know in the comments below.
I’m an INTP
My own type is INTP. It means I’m Introverted, iNtuitive, Thoughtful and Perceptive. I’m going to copy the most interesting parts of its description and talk about it.
INTPs are pensive, analytical folks. They may venture so deeply into thought as to seem detached, and often actually are oblivious to the world around them.
My career is currently as a Business Analyst, so that’s appropriate. I seem to have stumbled into a job I’m very good at. I’m also known to completely ignore the people around me, and the world in general, when I’m completely focused on something that requires me to think. Which is pretty much most everything I do.
INTPs are relatively easy-going and amenable to almost anything until their principles are violated, about which they may become outspoken and inflexible
I’m usually very relaxed and easy-going, but if you want to know what principles of mine I think are being violated, you only need to read the things I rant about. (Which reminds me. I should write a blog post about my principles, at some point…)
[Their] open-endedness (from Perceiving) conjoined with the need for competence (NT) is expressed in a sense that one’s conclusion may well be met by an equally plausible alternative solution, and that, after all, one may very well have overlooked some critical bit of data. An INTP arguing a point may very well be trying to convince himself as much as his opposition.
One of the things I’ve noticed on many occasions is that when I’m arguing in favour of something I believe or have a strong opinion about, I’m often seeking more information from my opposition. I ask questions about their own thoughts and take onboard what they say as extra ‘data’ for my analysis. If their data doesn’t mesh well with what I currently have, then I’m likely to ignore or reject it, but if it provides clarification or insight on data I already have, then I’m likely to allow it to modify my position if it makes sense to do so.
But getting to that point can often be quite challenging for whoever is my opposition at the time. 🙂
Mathematics is a system where many INTPs love to play, similarly languages, computer systems–potentially any complex system. INTPs thrive on systems. Understanding, exploring, mastering, and manipulating systems can overtake the INTP’s conscious thought.
This is very true. I love playing with and creating new systems. In my career, my life, and even the games I end up playing have often seen me creating systems for other people to experience things more easily.
In seasons of low energy level, or moments of single-minded concentration, the INTP is aloof and detached in a way that might even offend more relational or extraverted individuals.
When I’m tired or just concentrating on something, I’m often detached and distant in ways that other people have been annoyed with. They think it’s personal that I’m ignoring them, but it’s not just them – it’s everything that ceases to exist while I focus on something. I exist inside my mind, and everything outside of it disappears to me.
Your turn. What’s your personality type? How do you feel about what you’ve learned of yourself? Do you think it’s mostly accurate, or did you answer the questions wrong? 🙂
Thanks for reading! Please add your own thoughts below.

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