Back in 2003 I first discovered the idea of the ‘warrior sage’ after reading Stuart Wilde’s book ‘The Quickening’ (blog post: The Warrior Sage). It’s a spiritual philosophy that I felt aligned to, but which I ended up doing nothing with. Then in 2006 it popped up again in my life when more information came to me (second blog post: The Warrior Sage). I continued to relate to what I was learning about it, but I still didn’t do anything with it until 2012, 6 years later.
That was when I experimented with a new blog at but it still didn’t go anywhere. I got distracted by various distractions of life which influenced my writing and it wasn’t what I imagined it would be, so after almost a year I shut it down and returned to this blog. My first post when I returned included this:
“…I’m still experimenting. I’m still trying to find what works for me. The trail of blogs I’ve left in my wake over the years is evidence of that!”
My old Warrior Sage blog over on Tumblr – and even the Thinking Wisely blog (deleted) I did for a few months in 2012 as well – was part of my experimenting. In fact, most of my writing over the years has been an experiment. Since 1998, I’ve explored various themes, styles and topics with my writing and watched where they took me, and that’s why I ended up choosing to call my new blog Alan’s Journey (this one) in 2013, because all of it is part of the ongoing journey of my life.
Seventeen years of writing about my life is stored here on this blog. That’s a lot! There’s so much that has been shared here.
During this past week as I’ve returned to embracing spirituality in my life, I’ve felt a strong desire to work on my intuitive mind instead of the analytical and rational mind. That’s lead me to finding information that, oddly enough, has quickly reconnected me with the philosophy of the Warrior Sage. It seems clear to me that you’re going to see more of my exploration as a sage as I journey down that path again.
Just as a refresher, the Warrior Sage is:
“…a spiritual philosopher that brings meaning, peace and unity to the chaotic separateness of life. This wise one was known as a healer as well as a warrior and one who had quested through the mountains and the valleys of the earth. Being ever the spiritual truth-seeker, he/she focused on a life pilgrimage that embraced the experiential knowledge and wisdom of the unknown as well as the unity of creation.”
It’s the spiritual truth-seeker that I connect with, along with the life pilgrimage that embraces experiential knowledge and wisdom. Experiential means the process of learning through experience, and that’s certainly something I do. I avoid learning from textbooks; learning from experience has always been my path.
It was Stuart Wilde who originally inspired me to embrace the Warrior Sage, and today it’s a very interesting sage called Marcus T Anthony, whose book “Discover Your Soul Template” is what I’m reading now. Next I’ll read his book, “Champion of the Soul, Master of the Mind”. I’ve found his style of writing and content very down to earth and enjoyable to read, and I’m thankful that modern technology and social media has allowed me to connect with him on Facebook. I’ve had a few online conversations with him already, which has been great. I can learn a lot from him, and intend to.
I’ve always had a problem with many of the New Age books. They were good stepping stones on my path of learning back in the 90’s, but I quickly moved beyond them. Some people stay with them their entire life, and that might be great for those people, but not for me. There’s more to this life than focusing on the next life, and I knew I needed to learn a lot more about life, with a spiritual understanding.
And that’s where the concept of the sage comes into play, and I’ll be embracing it a lot more from now on.
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