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Reconnecting with friends

One of the really enjoyable side benefits of coming to Canberra for a job interview is to reconnect with some of my friends. I’ve missed them, and it’s been good catching up with some of them tonight. Laughs and good times were had.

I’ll be catching up with more friends tomorrow, more on Monday, and more again on Tuesday. If I can’t secure any other job interviews or networking opportunities while I’m here, then I’ll be going back home to Melbourne on Wednesday.

I really enjoy connecting with people – whether it’s reconnecting with friends I haven’t seen in a long time, or spending time with friends I catch up with regularly, or even making new friends. I love sharing good times with people, and I love the conversations about shared values and interests.

I also love new and unique perspectives about things I often take for granted. I spend a lot of time talking with a number of my friends who – thankfully – tolerate my eccentric beliefs, conversations and attitudes. While sometimes they might not think so, I always enjoy talking to them – even when they’re disagreeing with me.

It’s only in the interactions we have with other people that we can gain a better understanding of ourselves. It’s only with the feedback we get from them that we can see things we might otherwise miss. We can work on our own personal growth simply by interacting with those we connect with.

There’s an interesting trick about that too. If you want to grow in a certain way, you should spend more time with people who are already where you want to be.

They’ve gone through the challenges you’re going through – or that you’re about to go through – and their insights can help you learn things about yourself and what you want to achieve that would otherwise be incredibly difficult.

When I can find people who tell me deeply and honestly what they think, I treasure them. I try to hold on to them. They’re the kinds of people that will help me grow, and they bring great value to my life.

Every single one of them. Even the ones who disagree with me, or whom I disagree with too. Every interaction, every exchange, every shared moment with someone, is an incredible opportunity. I’m thankful for all of them.

I think reconnecting with the friends I caught up with tonight has made me feel very appreciative of what they bring to my life.

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